Call for Abstract and Paper Submission
This year Thinkspace Conference 2024 invites all academicians, researchers, and students to participate in the paper presentation and publication

We welcome you to submit manuscript here.
The conference committee will notify on the acceptance of the manuscript with relevant information on paper template and publication tracks. Acceptance/rejection of manuscript will be entirely to the discretion of the conference committee. Please also refer to the selection criteria.
Selection criteria bases on relevance to the contemporary context, relevance to the conference themes, methodology and methods, significance of outcomes and structure of the manuscript. All carry equal weightage.
Journals & E-Publications
Selected papers will be accepted through a double-blind peer-review process and will be published in SCOPUS indexed Journals. Other options are to publish as an e-book or in selected journals.
All accepted abstracts will be published through conference e-proceedings via the Thinkspace webpage.
We are pleased to mention our publication partners as follows.
- SCOPUS-indexed JESTEC: Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
- IGI Global (Book Chapter)
Please note that the Thinkspace 2024 conference organisers will be involved in the process of paper selections for these special issues, and full-paper submissions must therefore first be submitted to the Thinkspace Conference website.
The conference organizers may request improvements to articles accepted by the conference prior to recommending such papers for the consideration of this special issue.
Acceptance by the conference is therefore a pre-requisite (but not the only condition) for publication in this special issue.